The Swiss Chard Bandits
The Swiss Chard Bandits
This year I grew swiss chard in our urban garden and in our lake planters. While our urban garden swiss chard flourished as it normally does, our lake swiss chard struggled all growing season. Just as the lake growing season was coming to an end and I was looking forward to harvesting and enjoying this swiss chard, I woke up to discover all the colourful leaves had disappeared. In fact, it looked like someone had come along in the night and evenly and cleanly cut the leaves off while nothing else was touched. I began to wonder what on earth had happened…had deer found their way up onto our deck, were their rodents or birds in the night. It was puzzling to me! And as I pondered this one morning, I went to head out our glass kitchen doors for an early morning hike and I had some visitors. Ahh - it was clear now…I had been visited by swiss chard bandits.
Now I wonder if they’re going to remember I had grown a small deck vegetable garden and come visiting earlier next year?!